Geographies of performance 0.0 / 5 ? Geographycultural geography sociological or dramaturgicalperformantivitynon representational theory political practiceUniversityAQA Created by: lily8Created on: 22-05-18 17:57 When did cultural geography start 1970 1 of 7 What fields did geographies venture in too after cultural geography was known? Sociology and anthopology 2 of 7 what is Erving Goffmans theory? that the world is a stage. that people perform according to pre determined rules and codes. 3 of 7 Whats one of the ideas of performativity understanding power in the production of social norms 4 of 7 Whos is the theorist for non representational ? Nigel thrift 5 of 7 What is the main idea behind utopia performances? Bring people together 6 of 7 What Working for performance category did the idea of understanding the world through sense appear? Non representational 7 of 7
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