Combination of computer and communication technologies. Leads to time-space compression.
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Whose idea is time-space compression?
Harvey (1989)
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What are factors of financial globalization?
Instantaneous global transactions at any time of day.
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What are factors of corporate globalization?
New integrated production systems allow firms to utilise capital and labour across the whole world.
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What is an example of corporate globalization?
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What is economic globalization?
The idea of having a neo-liberal agenda, open markets and a borderless world. Africa still not present economically. Can vary from country-to-country e.g. China.
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What is geographical globalization?
The reduction in distance between countries. Not quite including Africa yet.
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What is cultural globalization?
The consumption of global products. For example, McDonald's and Coca Cola, both of whom have glocalized (adjusted to the local market).
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What is political globalization?
Erosion of state authority and instead the rise of non-state actors, such as TNCs, world cities. Protest movement are also an example.
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What is ecological globalization?
The whole world damaging the earth at an unsustainable rate. The South are blamed for destroying it when the North did it before them.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are factors of technological globalization?
Combination of computer and communication technologies. Leads to time-space compression.
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