geog 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? GeographyGCSEAQA Created by: AmanCreated on: 03-06-13 16:37 arete steep sided ridge (2 glaciers flow in parallel valleys) 1 of 7 pyrimidal peak 3 back to back glaciers erode a mountain 2 of 7 truncated spurs cliff edges (when ridges are cut off by glaciers) 3 of 7 hanging valleys small valleys that flow into main glacier 4 of 7 glacial trough U shaped river valley (started as V shape) 5 of 7 ribbon lake long thin lakes form after glacial retreat in softer rock hollows 6 of 7 corries begin as hollow - rotational slip = armchair shape - melt = tarnlake 7 of 7
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