Geog 1.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? GeographyGCSEAQA Created by: Elizabeth FarrellCreated on: 19-02-13 20:09 area of previously built up land brownfield site 1 of 8 downward movement of minerals through soil leaching 2 of 8 increasing concentrations of salt in the topsoil where evaporation rates are high salinisation 3 of 8 adaptaions in plants that allow them to survive in a dry climate xerophytic 4 of 8 tourism that involves protecting the environment and the way of life of the local people ecotourism 5 of 8 money goods and expertise given from one country to another aid aid 6 of 8 pieces of rock with sharp edges scree 7 of 8 plant that stores water in a fleshy stem to survive drought succulent 8 of 8
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