The set of beliefs that distinguish between essential and non-essential phenomena (Gregory et al 2009). Categorising people objectively based on science. Idea that all things can be precisely defined.
1 of 17
Everyday life
The ordinary, routine and repetitive aspects of social life that tend to be overlooked
2 of 17
The varied ways institutions structure social life in time and space. Can regulate discourses.
3 of 17
The organisation of human beings which forms relations between individuals
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Social Construction
That social context and society construct the reality
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Social exclusion
Where certain members of society are separated from the normal round of living and working within society
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Social reproduction
Creates and holds social relations in place
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Objectively defined, definitely there e.g. location on a map
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Defined by the meaning we attach to it e.g. the practices that take place there
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Social well-being
Degree to which a populations needs and wants are being satisfied
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A state of ill-fare where a person cannot function as a capable human being. Can lead to social exclusion. Indicators of poverty are different in different contexts as poverty is relative.
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A series of representations where meanings are produced and connected through networks and legitimised
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Blane et al (2010) A product of historical relations and structured through cultural understanding. It was once learn but now is natural and affects our every day actions. Each group has different habitus = different norms = excludes others.
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Social inequality
The unequal distribution of resources - can create barriers to class.
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Can be defined through medical or social model. Social construction. Clone et al (2014) states society is the root cause of disability.
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Social justice
Understand how difference within society matters as it creates disadvantage and then creating fair solutions
16 of 17
Social norm
The normal exchanges of society. Create exclusion and inequality.
17 of 17
Other cards in this set
Card 2
The ordinary, routine and repetitive aspects of social life that tend to be overlooked
Everyday life
Card 3
The varied ways institutions structure social life in time and space. Can regulate discourses.
Card 4
The organisation of human beings which forms relations between individuals
Card 5
That social context and society construct the reality
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