What are the first 3 stages of choosing a geographical investigation?
1) Identify a suitable question and hypothesis. 2) development and plan approriate strategy for conducting the invesigation. 3) Collect and record apporiate data
1 of 21
What the last 3 stages of choosing a geographical investigation?
4) Present the data collect in apporriate forms, 5) analyse and interpret the data. 6) present a summary of the findings and an evaluation
2 of 21
What is random sampling with 2 pros and 2 cons?
Chosen at random, everyone/thing has the same chance of being chosen. Pros: unbias, easy. Cons: could end up with unrelevant sites, could miss out data
3 of 21
What is linear sampling with 2 pros and 2 cons?
A line is drawn on a map, samples taken along the line or at certain points. Pros: Unbias, easy to do. Cons: not representative, could miss data out
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What is systematic sampling with 2 pros and 2 cons?
Sample every nth number. Pros: easy to do, easy to find patterns. Cons: possible bias, could pick areas that relevant
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What is stratified sampling with 2 pros and 2 cons?
Sites are put into sampler groups. Pros: easy to do, organised. Cons: requires prior knowledge, time consimung.
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What is pragmatic sampling with 2 pros and 2 cons?
Areas chosen based on saftey and relvance. Pros: safe, gets relevant data. Cons: ciykd niss out data, limits locations
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What is area sampling with 2 pros and 2 cons?
Smaller sites are chosen within a larger area in order to gather more data. Pros: less to do, fast. Cons: miss out data, limited to those areas.
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What is point sampling with 2 pros and 2 cons?
Grid is drawn on a map and a random number generator is used to bring up coodinates. Pros: unbias, easy to pick points. Cons: Miss out data, sites could be too wide spread
9 of 21
What was the title of my investigation?
To what extent does the Bradshaw model follow the river Eea?
10 of 21
What is a problem with using the bradshaw model for UK rivers?
Based on U.S rivers
11 of 21
At what site was width the smallest and at what site was it the largest?
Site two with 1.18m and site 14 with 7.50m
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At what site was the river shallowest and at what site was it deepest?
Site 5, 0.06. Site 13 0.36m
13 of 21
Where was wetted perimetre the largest and where was it the smallest?
Site 16 8.80m, site 2 1.30m
14 of 21
Where was the river steepest and where was it the most flat?
Site 1 and 2 with 8 degreesm sites 9 and 13 with 0 degree elavation
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Where was the river fastest witht eh hydroprop and where was it the slowest?
Site 15 0.97 m/s site 4 with 0.09m/s
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Where was the river fastest with the hydrofloat and where was it the slowest?
Site 14 0.88m/s, site 6 0.10m/s
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What is the Mann Whitney U test used for?
Test difference between two medians
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What is spearmans rank used for?
Test signifance between two sets of data
19 of 21
What is the Chi squared test used for?
Compares frequences of observed with what was expected
20 of 21
What is the difference between how the data is ranked in Mann Whitney and Spearmans rank?
Mann Whitney ranks the 2 sets as one, spearmen's ranks them speratly?
21 of 21
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What the last 3 stages of choosing a geographical investigation?
4) Present the data collect in apporriate forms, 5) analyse and interpret the data. 6) present a summary of the findings and an evaluation
Card 3
What is random sampling with 2 pros and 2 cons?
Card 4
What is linear sampling with 2 pros and 2 cons?
Card 5
What is systematic sampling with 2 pros and 2 cons?
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