A behaviour or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in a person and that is associated with significant distress or disability (impairment in one or more important areas of functioning)
Sigmund Freud, Psychological Dysfunction occurs in presence of unconscious internal forces (id, ego, superego)
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Biological Model
Medical Perspective - Underlying biological (neuroanatomical/physiological) Sources; Evolutionary or genetics or illness related
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Behavioural Model
Current behaviours (both functional and dysfunctional) are shaped by past learning experiences (classical/operant conditioning)
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Cognitive Model
Cognitive Processes are at centre of behaviour, thoughts and emotions. Cognitive distortions; polarised thinking, over-generalisation, jumping to conclusions
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Humanistic Existential model
Rogers (1940) - Focuses on broader dimension of human existence; self awareness, meaning, values, choice
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Socio-Cultural Model
Focuses on external forces that influence individual - Family-social perspective (family relationships and social interaction) and Multicultural Perspective -Behaviour examined in the light of his/her cultural context (cutlure, race, ethnicity,sex )
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Biopsychological Theories
Interaction of genetic, biological, developmental, emotional, behavioural, cognitive, and social influences
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Diathesis-Stress Theory
Biological/Psychological/Socio-cultural predisposition combined with severe stress can lead to onset of mental health disorder
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Electic View
Use of strengths of different theories in combination
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