gdr ; life in east germany ; western influence ; ostpolitik + travel 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryGDRA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: ilovetheofficeCreated on: 10-05-18 10:32 after '61 why did spread of wesetern influences increase? gradual lifting travel restrictions 1 of 48 TIMELINE OF ALL WESTERN INFLUENCES GDFG 2 of 48 period liberalisation? '63-'65 3 of 48 DT64 youth est? '64 4 of 48 SED clampdown in inf? '65 5 of 48 honecker becomes SED gensec? '71 6 of 48 relaxation on cultural restriction starts '71 7 of 48 watching western tv permitted? '72 8 of 48 punk gains followers in GDR? '80s 9 of 48 IMPACT OSTPOLITIK ON TRAVEL DFGDF 10 of 48 who was architecht of ostpolitik? willy brandt 11 of 48 since '64 who allowed to visit west berlin? east german old ppl 12 of 48 and west german allowed visit east for up to how many days a year? 30 13 of 48 when willy brandt elected FRG chancellor? '69 14 of 48 EAST - WEST TRAVEL DDFG 15 of 48 gaining rights and passports to rtravel easy for which two things? democratic meetings / sports competitions 16 of 48 but? harsh restrictions / monitoring by stasi 17 of 48 potentially problematic citizens with access to state info banned and labelled? 'secret-carriers' 18 of 48 this included which 3 groups? SED officials / army officers / scientists 19 of 48 most important in terms of influence were? workers granted travel for business 20 of 48 workers needed to be carefully vetted and always? over 26 + married 21 of 48 why? family left behind would always give incentive 22 of 48 if met worker given what status reisekader 23 of 48 typically who were thsesE? skilled workers who FRG could employ cheaper than GDR 24 of 48 work trips provided opportunity to gain what and brign back east? western currency / goods 25 of 48 hwy were foods eagerly consumed? for many it was the only access to new flavours like kiwi / banana 26 of 48 workers made several trips yr up to how many weeks? 6 27 of 48 and were they accompanied by guard? nah 28 of 48 but expected to write what upon return? reisebericht 29 of 48 asked to explain every detail seen and in particular? abt west german military personnel seen 30 of 48 what did most workers do? fill out genericall to finish asap 31 of 48 impact on people bacj in germany was what? consumer products / currency helped keey gdr pop. content 32 of 48 and also would strive for? right to travel keeping loyal as it was highly regarded 33 of 48 what happened to goods on return? not confiscated 34 of 48 suggesting state saw? somebenefits on exposure to capitalist market forces 35 of 48 what was ironic about some best-quality FRG goods? most made in GDR for export 36 of 48 contact betwee two states was constant reminder of what? germany divided entitiy 37 of 48 what did east berlin maps show west berlin? blank space with maybe some roads 38 of 48 why many suprtised when they travelled form eas tto west? p similar 39 of 48 clear ostpolitik was achieving aim of doing what? reminding east it wasn't an independent st8 40 of 48 WEST - EAST GERMAN TRAVL DGDFG 41 of 48 security checks much tighther than? east bringing western goods back themselves 42 of 48 SED introduced what in '70s / early '80s which reduced no's travelling east? currency exchange qualificaitons 43 of 48 usually followed particular rise in what? international tensions 44 of 48 such as NATO's announcement of FRG nukes in what year? '83 45 of 48 when dealing with western businesses in east meetings what was good wll? to hand over goods but nothing more than basic stationary or managemebt check bc corruption 46 of 48 it was which way of travel that helped show opportunities? east going west 47 of 48 but for many esp young or those untrustworhty only way of exp west was by? accessing west media 48 of 48
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