gdr ; life in east germany ; welfare system ; education

many schools operating in bomb-damaged structures well into
1 of 59
in immediate wwii aftermath what % teachers dismissed as nazis?
2 of 59
in thuringa what % teachers were members nazi party?
3 of 59
demand for new teachers met by recruitment programme that deliberately selected applicants from what groups?
those prosecuted by nazis
4 of 59
had emigrated from?
eastern former german territories
5 of 59
and from what class?
working class
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due to demand these teachers given full-time jobs after as little as how long training?
2weeks (grizzly bear is quacking)
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what law got rid of gymnasiums?
Law for Democratisation of German Schools
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what were gymnasiums?
grammar schools
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regarded as maintaining what?
upper / priveliged classes
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in their place what schools were set up?
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what was their age / sex composition?
co-ed 6-14y/o
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after which children did one of which 2 things>
vocational training / secondary school
14 of 59
system designed to avoid?
disadvantaging those from peasant / wc bckgnd
15 of 59
other elements restricting educational provision abolished such as?
private / church schools
16 of 59
unis deliberately favoured admitting students from?
wc / persecuted by nazi backgrounds
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by mid'50s what % uni students wc?
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- policies and goals
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focused on developing tech skills required to support?
cont'd dev of economy
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required encouraging creativity and initiative tat didn't sit easy with?
political purpose education
21 of 59
also designed to reinforce political loyalty to?
party / socialism
22 of 59
why did this aim gain greater prominence in '60s?
party conc. bout spread western inf
23 of 59
used as vehicle to promote greater equality esp of?
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and help towards eventual goal of?
communist state
25 of 59
goal would help bind much of population to stat why
view provision of education as part of gov obligation to improve working opps / social condts
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'50s saw move towrd comprehensive system secindary education where puils of all abilities followed same general curriculum @ what kind of school?
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what was extended upper school called?
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so you could do one of which 3 things?
EOS / vocational / specialist school
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specialist schools for students that excelled in?
sport / science / maths
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what law meant curriculum underpinned especially by socialist principles?
Law on the Unified Socialist Education System
32 of 59
introduced in?
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who introduced it?
margot honecker
34 of 59
what was ehr position?
Minister for Education
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she ensured education driven by?
philosophy of state / party
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all pupils requireed to study citizenship which highlighted what?
political ideas of state / responsibilities of individual toward socialism
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what was the acceptable MFL
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links developed with what?
industry / work
39 of 59
twinning arrangements between school / enterprises often gave pupils opportunity to undertake?
work experience
40 of 59
some students reacted negatively by?
becoming disillusioned by dirty work condts + mundane work
41 of 59
but for some provided?
rute to guaranteed apprenticeship
42 of 59
those in polytechnics wishing to go to uni expected to?
academic rounte
43 of 59
but gov made sure those in vocational route could do what?
pursue higher education
44 of 59
what were offered as useful cjammel for those who showed they could go to uni?
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in early '60s discrimination against uni students from what background incresinly abandoed?
46 of 59
deliberate icentive to dissuade young ppl from?
emigrating to FRG
47 of 59
aimed increase student numbers studying which 3 things for NES?
maths / science / tech
48 of 59
by '70s why was there a need to reduce uni places?
workforce overqualified
49 of 59
fall in places increased need for applicants to have?
more political conformity
50 of 59
in most instances what was sufficient?
passive conformity
51 of 59
SED mntn ctrl over unis by student membership of?
52 of 59
or placing party members where?
senior uni teaching + admin roles
53 of 59
as well as main subjects all uni students also had to study?
marxist-leninism / russian / pp in sports
54 of 59
which two groups of ppl fd it hard to get into chosen uni?
those w/o juegnweihe / military service
55 of 59
when was military service introduced?
56 of 59
as an alternative individuals could opt to work as?
'construction soldiers'
57 of 59
what was this regarded and how did it effect?
disloyal to gdr + effected further education / uni
58 of 59
limited real good as SED used education as instrument for what to be tested / rewarded?
political loyalty
59 of 59

Other cards in this set

Card 2


in immediate wwii aftermath what % teachers dismissed as nazis?



Card 3


in thuringa what % teachers were members nazi party?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


demand for new teachers met by recruitment programme that deliberately selected applicants from what groups?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


had emigrated from?


Preview of the front of card 5
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