gdr ; dev state 61-85 ; timeline + intro

wall erected?
1 of 24
compulsory military service introduced
2 of 24
launch NES?
3 of 24
wberliners allowed enter eberlin for 1st time post-wall?
4 of 24
first olympics with separate GDR?
5 of 24
brandt intros ostpolitik?
6 of 24
brandt first FRG chancellor to visit GDR?
7 of 24
honecker succeeds ulbricht?
8 of 24
four powers' agreement?
9 of 24
phone lines restored between e/wberlin?
10 of 24
Basic Treaty signed by frg / gdr?
11 of 24
nationalisation of virtually all remaining private enterprise?
12 of 24
GDR becomes UN member?
13 of 24
opec inc. oil prices?
14 of 24
new constitution calls GDR te 'worker's and peasants' state'?
15 of 24
GDR / USSR Friendship Treaty?
16 of 24
honecker signs Helsinki Final Act?
17 of 24
ussr cuts oil reports to gdr?
18 of 24
frg chancellor schmidt visits gdr?
19 of 24
20 of 24
building of wall provided west with?
immense propaganda victory
21 of 24
what implied west's reluctance to enter into conflict?
lack of protst @ wall
22 of 24
what was there immediate wave of post-war?
gov oppression
23 of 24
esp on who?
non-collective farmers
24 of 24

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Card 2


compulsory military service introduced



Card 3


launch NES?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


wberliners allowed enter eberlin for 1st time post-wall?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


first olympics with separate GDR?


Preview of the front of card 5
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