gdr ; collapse ; events leading to wall ; gorby visit 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryGDRA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: ilovetheofficeCreated on: 10-05-18 22:58 purpose of his visit was to reluctantly take part in? 40th anniversary of gdr 1 of 32 pps in parade that went on for hours purposefully chosen to represent? strong / youthful / loyal GDR future 2 of 32 who did they give most enthusiastic welcome? gorby 3 of 32 official slogans forgotten as they chanted for? gorby to stay in berlin and help them 4 of 32 celebrations gatecrashed by ppl desperate forchange and over how many quickly arrested? 700 5 of 32 but what was it that wasn't this that proved fatal to gdr? gorby's message 6 of 32 he urged honecker to do what? implement soviet reforms like erry1 else 7 of 32 in attempt to preserve GDR independence who did he blame ofr this change incitement FRG 8 of 32 gorby made clear that what was history? brezhnev doctrine 9 of 32 what were his two reasons for ending? intervention would threaten soviet reform / morally wrong 10 of 32 famously what did gorby publicly warn honecker? drastic change required bc 'one cannot be late, otherwise one will be punished by life' 11 of 32 honecker replied saying? 'those who are declared dead usually live a long time' (yall those dont make sense 12 of 32 gorby later commented that trying to get through to honecker was like? 'trying to throw peas against a wall' 13 of 32 when did gorby return to moscow? 8th nov '89 14 of 32 next day how many ppl protested outside st nikolai church leipzig? 70,000 15 of 32 genuine fear of violence not from soviets but stasi and armed forces in GDR after what incident? tianamenn swuare massacre 16 of 32 what was honecker's response to the massacre? cheered on the violence 17 of 32 what were ordered to leipzig for expected casualties? expected doctors and supplies 18 of 32 who waited around the demonstration? armed stasi 19 of 32 and one police man claimed? order given to open fire 20 of 32 did they? nah 21 of 32 why? trhewat civil wR 22 of 32 one stasi report from october highlights combat groups doign what? resigning from SED + refusing to fight 23 of 32 leipzig exceptionally careful to remain peacefulw/ self-discipline and chants for? no violence 24 of 32 violece narrowly avoided which encouraged protests in places like? dresden / eberlin 25 of 32 also showed what to protestors? SED failing 26 of 32 why apparent to many SED time limited? no soviet intervention / bare protests peaceful so no voilence 27 of 32 what were demands of protests? freedom of speech / assmbly / press / travel most importantly 28 of 32 why did people want to leave GDR? only to visit 29 of 32 their sloga chant thing was? we are the people / we are staying here 30 of 32 what offered rallying pts for reformers? New Forum and all other political groups 31 of 32 and meeting points? church 32 of 32
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