Other questions in this quiz

2. An object is balanced when the centre of mass hangs directly below the point of suspension.

  • True
  • False

3. What is the equation for moment?

  • Moment= F*PD
  • Moment= F/PD

4. Newtons Principal of Moments stated that: anticlockwise moment = clockwise moment.

  • True
  • False

5. Circular Motion is...

  • movement of an object around an axis in a circle
  • cyclinder rolling
  • movement of an axis around an object in a circle





Isn't it a white dwarf not a black dwarf? Great quiz!



Hannah wrote:i


Isn't it a white dwarf not a black dwarf? Great quiz!

No pretty sure its a black dwarf. Thats when it loses its light completely. 



Isn't a supernova caused by the the star collapsing and then exploding, rather than by the star expanding?

Tom Munday


Nothing light completly unless its a black hole. Quite a difference between a black hole and a black dwarf!!

Bethan Senior


I thought a supernova is caused because there is less and less fusion happening so radiation pressure is able to expand and cause the star to explode. As for the white dwarf/black dwarf, the black dwarf is the final stage it comes after the white dwarf and occurs when the "light completely fades" which is what it says in the CGP books :) but great quiz

Rachel Hindley


I swear stars is in unit 2 not 3?

Sophie :)


Rachel wrote: I swear stars is in unit 2 not 3?

They change the syllabuses slightly each year...they moved stars from 3 to 2 this year :)

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