Can be any two from : Sleep 8hrs a day, Eat your 5-a-day, Use the stairs and not the lifts, Drink 2L or more of water a day, Socialise with your friends!
2 of 12
Explain the physique of an ectomorph
Lean, fragile, delicate, small bones, narrow at shoulders and hips.
3 of 12
Name 3 Enviromental Factors
Any 3 from : Weather, Cold, Terrain, Humidity, Heat, Altitiude, Pollution
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Explain how participation levels may be affected by access to facilities
In some areas of our country, there are less sports centres or none at all, according to how many people live in that area. A person may want to participate in sports, but due to the lack of centres, or public transport to get to the city, they can't
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One advantage of Sponsorships
Free Equipment & Free Merchandise, Payment for coaching, Payment for competition fees, Provided with transport
Can be any two from : Sleep 8hrs a day, Eat your 5-a-day, Use the stairs and not the lifts, Drink 2L or more of water a day, Socialise with your friends!
Card 3
Explain the physique of an ectomorph
Card 4
Name 3 Enviromental Factors
Card 5
Explain how participation levels may be affected by access to facilities
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