GCSE Edexcel Biology- Classification 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? BiologyVariety of life and classificationGCSEEdexcel Created by: Peridot-**Created on: 08-12-12 18:21 How many kingdoms are there? Five 1 of 9 Which kingdom is bacteria in? Prokaryotes 2 of 9 What's an animal with a backbone? Vertebrate 3 of 9 What's the name for laying eggs? Oviparous 4 of 9 What's the name for giving birth to live young? Viviparous 5 of 9 Mammals are warm blooded, what's the other name for this? Homeotherms 6 of 9 Reptiles are cold blooded, what's the other name for this? Poikilotherms 7 of 9 A series of questions that you can use to figure out what an unknown organism is? Key 8 of 9 Kingdom, phylum, class, order, ____, genus and species. What's missing? Family 9 of 9