GCSE Biology B3 - Monoclonal antibodies 3.5 / 5 based on 4 ratings ? BiologyMedicine and drugsGCSEEdexcel Created by: BethanyMCreated on: 13-06-15 16:06 What is the name of the white blood cells produced to fight pathogens? B lymphocytes 1 of 10 A cancer cell is also known as a ________ cell Myeloma 2 of 10 A hybridoma cell is formed when a ________ and __________ fuse B lymphocyte and myeloma cell 3 of 10 Why are cancer cells used in the production of monoclonal antibodies? They replicate quickly 4 of 10 When hybridoma cells divide, what do they produce? Monoclonal antibodies 5 of 10 Which hormone does the monoclonal antibody bind to on a pregnancy test if a women is pregnant? HGH or hCG 6 of 10 What is a monoclonal antibody? An antibody which specifically binds to one type of antigen 7 of 10 How are monoclonal antibodies used in pregnancy tests? The hormone HGH or hCG in urine binds to mobile antibodies. The bound antibody then attaches to an immobilised antibody, producing a colour change. 8 of 10 What is attached to a monoclonal antibody to help detect cancerous tumours and blood clots? A radioactive tracer 9 of 10 Can you treat cancerous tumours with monoclonal antibodies? Yes 10 of 10
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