gcse chemistry revision 0.0 / 5 ? Chemistrytopic 1-5GCSEAll boards Created by: ITGIGABYTESCreated on: 14-11-18 21:58 what does the top number represent in the periodic table? it represents the mass number 1 of 9 what does the bottom number represent in the periodic table? it represents the atomic number 2 of 9 what are uses of nano particles? medicines,cosmetics,self cleaning windows(glass coated with titanium oxide) 3 of 9 properties of giant covalent structures insoluble in water,allotropes of carbon,high melting/boiling points,lots of energy to overgome forces 4 of 9 properties of covalent bonding sharing electrons,does not conduct, no overall charge,non-metals and strong bonds 5 of 9 properties of simple molecules weak intermolecular forces,low melting/boiling points 6 of 9 properties of giant metallic structures->Alloys Alloys->usually a mixture of metals,harder because of distorted layers,two or more elements(at least one of which is a metal) 7 of 9 properties of metallic bonding high melting/boiling points, good conductors, regular layers, atoms closely packed, giant structure, lattice of positively charged ions, delocalised electrons, strong electrostatic charge 8 of 9 OILRIG O=OXIDISING, I=IS, L=LOSS OF ELECTRONS.......R=REDUCTION, I=IS, G=GAIN OF ELECTRONS........................OILRIG! 9 of 9
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