profit depends on price compared to rivals + whether product differentiated/ aim is to maximise profit
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Oligopoly: cartel
oligopolistic firms combine and become better off
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Oligopoly: Actions (nash equilibrium)
set price/ quantity + holding actions of all firms constant, no firm can obtain higher profit by choosing different strategy
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Cournot oligopoly: characteristics
simultaneous/ set quantity levels/ independent/ imperfect information/ quantity one chooses affects others profit as market price depends on total output
strategy maximises payoff given the belief about future actions of rival
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Stackelberg oligopoly: characteristics
firms make decisions at different times (sequential)/ set quantity levels/ leader (greater power, entered first, reputation, cost adv, greater production) + follower
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Stackelberg oligopoly: backward induction
solve COURNOT equation for opposition firm first/ put into profit function for firm A
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Betrand oligopoly: characteristics
simultaneous/ maximise profit subject to prices
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Bertrand oligopoly: Nash-bertrand eqm
set of prices such that no firm can obtain high profit by charging a different price, if others continue to charge this price
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Bertrand oligopoly: quantity function equation
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Bertrand oligopoly: profit function equation
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Bertrand oligopoly: 4 stages
1) profit function 2) maximise profit=0 (differentiate with respect to own price) 3) find best response function (making price subject of equation) 4) Nash bertrand eqm (best response functions meet)
1) profit function 2) maximise profit=0 (differentiate with respect to own quantity) 3) make quantity subject of equation 4) consistent conjectures (conjectured quantity=optimal quantity) in eqm. 5) Nash equilibrium (substituting in each equation)
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Stackelberg oligopoly: 5 stages
1) followers reaction function (COURNOT) 2) profit function of leader 3) max profit=0 (differentiate with respect to own quantity) 4) make quantity subject of equation 5) Nash eqm (substituting equations)
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