G674 Revision Cards
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- Created by: yasminsadiq
- Created on: 18-05-16 11:51
Defining and measuring social class
Goldthorpe - market position / life chances
1 of 40
Arber, Dale and Gilbert - patriarchal bias
Reay - how people live
2 of 40
Savage - how people see themselves
Theories of inequalitt abd stratification
3 of 40
Durkheim - division of labour / value consensus / aspirations
Parsons - achievement
4 of 40
Davis and Moore - meritocracy
Saunders - social inequality is a small price to pay
5 of 40
Marx - mode of production / ideological state apparatus / false class consciousness / polarised / too deterministic / infrastructure / ideology
Althusser - hidden curriculum / cultural capital
6 of 40
Savage - status
Waters - postmodernism / grand narratives
7 of 40
Life chances and social class
Savage - social exculsion / social inclusion
8 of 40
Pakulski and Waters - class is no longer important
Giddens and Diamond - new egalitarians / equality of opportunity
9 of 40
Hutton - marginalised
Roberts - class explains inequality
10 of 40
Savage - relative poverty
Bottero - health and inequality
11 of 40
Wilkinson - social capital
Kynaston - education / meritocracy / cultural capital /
12 of 40
Feinstein - working class and education
Changes in the class structure
13 of 40
Roberts - upper class decline / fragmented middle class
Scott - economic power / status / social closure
14 of 40
Savage - class fractions / economic capital / downsizing
Fielding - self-employed
15 of 40
Braverman - proletarianisation / deskilling
Fulcher and Scott - working class and social position
16 of 40
Lockwood - proletarian traditionalist
Zweig et al - embourgeoisiement
17 of 40
Goldthorpe and Lockwood - privatised instrumental worker
Marx - false class consciousness
18 of 40
Murray - underclass
Pakulski and Waters - postmodernist / more about choice / pick and mix
19 of 40
Gender and stratification
Hakim - horizontal / vertical segregation / glass ceiling
20 of 40
Mac an Ghaill - crisis in masculinty
Willott and Griffin - disagree with Mac an Ghaill
21 of 40
Parsons - separate gender roles
Olsen and Walby - disagree with human capital theory
22 of 40
Barron and Norris - dual labour market
Hartnet - negative stereotypes of women
23 of 40
Abbott and Wallace - disrupted career development
Hakim - preference theory
24 of 40
Faludi - postmodern
Feminism and inequality
25 of 40
Liberal - Oakley / Sharpe / gender socialisation
Marxism - Benston / Ansley / reserve army of labour
26 of 40
Radical - patriarchal
Dual systems approatch - Delphy
27 of 40
Black - black female inequalities
Ethnicity and stratification
28 of 40
Kenyatti and Tai - race and ethnicity
Miles - racism / prejudice / racial discrimination / institutional racism and discrimination
29 of 40
Rothon and Heath - prejudice
Mirza - racism and bullying
30 of 40
Chahal and Julienne - racial attacks / part of everyday life / employer racism
Holdaway et al - institutional racism / police
31 of 40
Van Dijk - explanations / colonial past / language / media / family
Patterson - culture / host-immigrant model / assimilation theory
32 of 40
Barron and Norris - dual labour market theory
Rex and Tomlinson - class / ethnicity / status / marginalised / alienation
33 of 40
Castles and Kosack - legitimisation / scapegoating / reserve army of labour / divide and rule
Miles - radicalised class fractions
34 of 40
Owen and Green - asian groups / professionals
Modood - postmodernist / difference / diversity / new hybrid identities
35 of 40
Age and stratification
Campbell and Goliath - babies / crime
36 of 40
Vincent - reserve discrimination
Parsons - role sets
37 of 40
Pitcher - youth is a transitional period
******* and Henry - disengagement theory
38 of 40
Phillipson - neglected by capitalist system
Kidd - elderly are a drain on resources
39 of 40
Ray - labelling / self-fulfilling prophecy
Blaikie - diverse choice of lifestyles / fragmented
40 of 40
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Reay - how people live
Arber, Dale and Gilbert - patriarchal bias
Card 3
Theories of inequalitt abd stratification
Card 4
Parsons - achievement
Card 5
Saunders - social inequality is a small price to pay
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