G543 Forensic studies - Farrington and Wikstrom

Sample size in Wikstrom & Tafel's study?
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Wikstrom & Tafel's study focus?
Upbringing - Poverty and disdavantaged neighbourhoods
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Data collection method in Wikstrom & Tafel's study?
Interviews and official records
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3 factors explaining offending behaviour in Wikstrom & Tafel's study?
Propensity induced, lifestyle dependent, situationally limited
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Percentage of males and females that had committed a crime in Wikstrom & Tafel's study?
45% males, 31% females
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Original sample of Farrington's study?
411 males, aged 8/9 at start of study, attending school in East London
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How long were the participans interviewed for in Farrington's study?
24 years
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What was the age peak for 11 in every 100 participants to offend in Farrington's study?
aged 17
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What were the key factors of the chronic offenders identified in Farrington's study?
Impulsive and daring personality, growing up with a young mother, close family members already convicted of crimes
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Card 2


Wikstrom & Tafel's study focus?


Upbringing - Poverty and disdavantaged neighbourhoods

Card 3


Data collection method in Wikstrom & Tafel's study?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


3 factors explaining offending behaviour in Wikstrom & Tafel's study?


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Card 5


Percentage of males and females that had committed a crime in Wikstrom & Tafel's study?


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