G482 OCR Physics A 0.0 / 5 ? PhysicsG482ASOCR Created by: JasmineCreated on: 06-06-14 19:37 electric current a net flow of charged particles 1 of 37 conventional current a model used to describe movement of charge from a + to - terminal 2 of 37 electron flow movement of electrons from a - to + terminal 3 of 37 coulomb unit of electric charge; 1C = 1A x 1s 4 of 37 Kirchhoff's First Law the sum of the currents entering any junction is equal to the sum of currents leaving the junction. (charge is conserved) 5 of 37 mean drift velocity average velocity of an electron as it travels through a wire due to a p.d. 6 of 37 potential difference electrical energy per unit charge when electrical energy is converted into another form of energy 7 of 37 volt unit of potential difference and emf; 1V = 1J per s 8 of 37 electromotive force electrical energy transferred per unit charge when one form of energy is converted into electrical energy 9 of 37 resistance property of a component that regulates the electric current through it 10 of 37 ohm unit of resistance; 1ohm = 1V per A 11 of 37 Ohm's law the electric current through a conductor is proportional to the potential difference across it, provided physical conditions remain constant 12 of 37 resistivity ratio of the product of resistance and cross sectional area of a component and its length (best defined using equation) 13 of 37 power rate of doing work 14 of 37 kilowatt-hour unit of energy; 1kWh = 3.6MJ 15 of 37 Kirchhoff's second law sum of the emfs is equal to the sum of the pds in a closed circuit (energy is conserved) 16 of 37 longitudinal oscillations are parallel to the direction of wave propagation 17 of 37 transverse oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation 18 of 37 displacement (of a wave) distance any part of a wave has moved from its mean/rest position 19 of 37 amplitude maximum displacement 20 of 37 wavelength smallest distance between a point and the identical point on the next wave 21 of 37 period time taken for one complete pattern of oscillation 22 of 37 phase difference the difference by which one wave leads/lags behind another wave. Measured in radians. 23 of 37 reflection when waves rebound from a barrier 24 of 37 refraction when waves change direction when they travel from one medium to another due to a difference in wave speed 25 of 37 diffraction when a wave spreads out after passing through a gap/around an obstacle 26 of 37 polarisation process of turning an unpolarised wave into a plane polarised wave 27 of 37 plane polarised wave a transverse wave oscillating in only one plane 28 of 37 principle of superposition of waves when two or more waves of the same type exist at the same place, the resultant wave will be found by adding displacements of each wave 29 of 37 interference addition of two of more waves that changes wave pattern 30 of 37 coherence two waves with a constant phase relationship 31 of 37 stationary wave a wave formed by interference of two waves travelling in opposite directions 32 of 37 nodes point of zero amplitude 33 of 37 antinodes point of maximum displacement 34 of 37 photon quantum of energy of electromagnetic radiation 35 of 37 electronvolt (eV) energy change of an electron when it moves through a potential difference of one volt. (1.6x10^19 J) 36 of 37 work function minimum energy required to release an electron from a material 37 of 37
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