Future Tense
0.0 / 5
- Created by: jilly2272
- Created on: 30-05-18 10:32
Yo hablaré
I will talk
1 of 60
Tú hablarás
You will talk (sg)
2 of 60
El, ella, usted hablará
He, she will talk
3 of 60
Nosotros hablaremos
We will talk
4 of 60
Vosotros hablareís
You will talk (pl)
5 of 60
Ellos, ellas, ustedes hablarán
They will talk
6 of 60
Yo comeré
I will eat
7 of 60
Tú comerás
You will eat (sg)
8 of 60
El, ella, usted comerá
He, she will eat
9 of 60
Nosotros comeremos
We will eat
10 of 60
Vosotros comereís
You will eat (pl)
11 of 60
Ellos, ellas, ustedes comerán
They will eat
12 of 60
Yo viviré
I will live
13 of 60
Tú vivirás
You will live (sg)
14 of 60
El, ella, usted vivirá
He, she will live
15 of 60
Nosotros viviremos
We will live
16 of 60
Vosotros vivireís
You will live (pl)
17 of 60
Ellos, ellas, ustedes vivirán
They will live
18 of 60
Yo pondré
I will put
19 of 60
Tú pondrás
You will put (sg)
20 of 60
El, ella, usted pondrá
He, she will put
21 of 60
Nosotros pondremos
We will put
22 of 60
Vosotros pondreís
You will put (pl)
23 of 60
Ellos, ellas, ustedes pondrán
They will put
24 of 60
Yo vendré
I will come back
25 of 60
Tú vendrás
You will come back (sg)
26 of 60
El, ella, usted vendrá
He, she will come back
27 of 60
Nosotros vendremos
We will come back
28 of 60
Vosotros vendreís
You will come back (pl)
29 of 60
Ellos, ellas, ustedes vendrán
They will come back
30 of 60
Yo saldré
I will go out
31 of 60
Tú saldrás
You will go out (sg)
32 of 60
El, ella, usted saldrá
He, she will go out
33 of 60
Nosotros saldremos
We will go out
34 of 60
Vosotros saldreís
You will go out (pl)
35 of 60
Ellos, ellas, ustedes saldrán
They will go out
36 of 60
Yo tendré
I will have
37 of 60
Tú tendrás
You will have (sg)
38 of 60
El, ella, usted tendrá
He, she will have
39 of 60
Nosotros tendremos
We will have
40 of 60
Vosotros tendreís
You will have (pl)
41 of 60
Ellos, ellas, ustedes tendrán
They will have
42 of 60
Yo haré
You will do
43 of 60
Tú harás
You will do (sg)
44 of 60
El, ella, usted hará
He, she will do
45 of 60
Nosotros haremos
We will do
46 of 60
Vosotros hareís
You will do (pl)
47 of 60
Ellos, ellas, ustedes harán
They will do
48 of 60
Yo podré
I will be able to
49 of 60
Tú podrás
You will be able to (sg)
50 of 60
El, ella, usted podrá
He, she will be able to
51 of 60
Nosotros podremos
We will be able to
52 of 60
Vosotros podreís
You will be able to (pl)
53 of 60
Ellos, ellas, ustedes podrán
They will be able to
54 of 60
Yo diré
I will describe
55 of 60
Tú dirás
You will describe (sg)
56 of 60
El, ella, usted dirá
He, she will describe
57 of 60
Nosotros diremos
We will describe
58 of 60
Vosotros direís
You will describe (pl)
59 of 60
Ellos, ellas, usted dirán
They will decribe
60 of 60
Other cards in this set
Card 2
You will talk (sg)
Tú hablarás
Card 3
He, she will talk
Card 4
We will talk
Card 5
You will talk (pl)
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