Fundamentals of Human Behaviour - week 1
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- Created by: SimoneAllaston
- Created on: 16-07-17 01:37
Clinical Psychology is...
The study of mental process, views the mind as an information processor
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Biopsychology/Behavioural Neuroscience is ...
Focus on the biology underpinnings of behviour
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Development Psychology is...
The study which examines human physical, psychological and social development
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Experiemental Psychology is...
The study of basic processing such as learning, sensory systems, perception and motivational states
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Organisational Psychology is...
The study of behaviour in the workplace
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Personality Psychology is...
The study of the human personality
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Social Psychology is...
Examines peoples thought, feelings and behaviour pertaining to the social world
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Basic Research is...
Quest for knowledge for its own sake
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Applied Research is...
Designed to solve a specific problem
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Describe British Empiricism
believe ideas and knowledge are gained empirically
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Describe Structuralism
The analysis of the mind in its basic elements
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Famous Structuralist are...
Wilhelm Wundt 1932-1920 & Edward Titchner 1867-1927
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Describe Functualism
The study of the functions of consciousness rather than its elements
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Famous Functualists
William James 1842-1910
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Describe Psychodynamic
The analysis of internal and primarily unconscious processes
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Famous Psychoanalysit
Sigmund Freud 1856-1939
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Describe the Behviouralist perspective
Focuses on the role of the external environment in governing our actions
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Describe Behaviourism
A school of thought that emphasises environmental control of behaviour through learning
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Famous Behaviourist
John B Watson 1878-1958
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Describe Cognitive Behavourism
Proposes that learning experiences and the environment influence our expectations and thoughts and that in turn our thoughts influence how we behave
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Describe the Humanistic perspective
Emphasis free will, personal growth and the attempts to find meaning in one's own existence
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Famous Humanist
Abraham Maslow 1908-1970
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Describe Positive Psychology
Emphasis the study of the human strengths, fulfilment and optimal living
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Describe Cognitive Neuroscience
Uses sophisticated electrical recording and brain imaging techniques to examine brain activity while people engage in cognitive tasks
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Describe the Cognitive perspective
Examine the nature of the mind and how mental process influence behaviour
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Famous Cognitive Behavourist
Hermann Ebbinghaus 1850-1909
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Describe the Socioculture perspective
Examines how the social environment and cultural learning influence our behaviour, thoughts and feelings
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What are norms?
Rules that specify what behaviour is acceptable and expected for members of that group
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Describe Cultural Psychology
Explores how culture is transmitted to its members and examines psychological similarities and differences among people from diverse cultures
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Describe the Biological perspective
Examines how brain processes and other bodily functions regulate behaviour
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Describe Behavioural Neuroscience
Examines how brain processes and other physiological functions that underlie our behaviour, sensory experiences, emotions and thoughts
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What are Neurotransmitters?
Chemiclas released by nerve cells that allow them to communicate with one another
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Describe Behavioural Genetics
The study of how behavioural tendencies are influenced by genetic factors
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What is Natural Selection?
If an inherited trait gives certain members and advantage over others, these members will be more likely to survive and pass on these traits to offspring
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Describe Evolutionary Psychology
seeks to explain how evolution shaped modern human behaviour
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Focus on the biology underpinnings of behviour
Biopsychology/Behavioural Neuroscience is ...
Card 3
The study which examines human physical, psychological and social development

Card 4
The study of basic processing such as learning, sensory systems, perception and motivational states

Card 5
The study of behaviour in the workplace

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