Fundamentals of Data Structures
5.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings
- Created by: Suicidal_Kitten
- Created on: 25-04-18 11:48
Static Data Structure
The amount of data stored and the memory allocated is of a fixed amount
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Dynamic Data Structure
The amount of data stored and the memory allocated will vary during runtime
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First-in Last-out data structure
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What are the uses of a stack?
1. Reversing List contents. 2. Handling interrupts. 3. Nesting and recursion
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Stack Overflow
Occurs when more items are pushed onto a astack than can be stored
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Stack Underflow
Occurs when more items are popped from a stack thana re currently stored
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What are the operations of a stack?
1. Push(), 2. Pop(), 3. Peek()
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First-in First-out data structure
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Linear Queue
Fixed or dynamically sized queue
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Circular Queue
Front and rear pointers can wrap around from the end to the start - more efficient
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Priority Queue
Some data may leave the queue out of sequence due to having a higher priority
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What are the operations of a Queue?
Enqueue(), Dequeue(), isEmpty(), isFull()
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Data structure that models relationships between pairs of objects
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Object in a graph
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Relationship between two nodes
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Weighted Graph
Data values label the edges
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Undirected Graph
Relationships work two ways
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Directed Graph
Relationships work one way
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What are the uses of a Graph
1. Human newtorks e.g. Family/Work groups. 2. Transport Networks e.g. Calculating fastest route. 3. The internet + Web e.g. mapping the internet
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Advantages of List to store graph adjecencies
More memory efficient as they only store data where adjecencies exist whereas matricies store every possible combination. Lists are used for graphs with few adjecencies
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Advantages of matricies to store graph adjecencies
Allow adjecencies to be identified mroe quickly as every combination is recorded, whereas lists need to be parsed to identify whether particular adjecencies exist. Matricies used for graphs with many adjecencies
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Undirected graph with no loops
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Binary Tree
Tree with a maximum of two child nodes
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How are binary trees created?
1. Input data in order given. 2. Always start from root. 3. < goes left. 4. > goes right
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What are the uses of binary trees?
1. Binary search trees. 2. Compilers: veryfying syntax. 3. Storing data with an inherant heirarchal structure
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Hash Table
Data structure thats stores key/value pairs based on an index generated from a hashing algorithm
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What are the uses of hash tables?
1. Operating Systems - Storing and locating executable files of programs and utilities. 2. Encryption: encrypting data. 3. Checksums: calculating a value from a set of data
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WHat must a good hashing algorithm do?
1. Generate usnique values that create as few collisions as possible. 2. Create a unifrom spread of data to avoid clustering. 3. Balance speed and complexity
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Load Factor
Ratio of available indicies to total indicies. A high load factor means it will be increasingly difficult to produce a unique index
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When a hashing algotithm produces the same index for two or more keys
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How can collisions be dealt with?
1. Chaining - Create a list in that slot and append elements t the list. 2. Rehashing - apply the same or an alternative algorithm is applied until a unique key is generated. 3. Probing - Placing in the next empty slot
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Similar to hash tables in that it maps keys to data. Known as an associative array in that it deals with two sets of asociated data. Values are accessed using the associated key
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What is a use of a dictionary?
Information Retreival
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Measurement with both magnitude and direction
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How can vectors be represented?
List, Dictionary, Array, Function (F:->R), Arrows, Notation 'n vector over R'
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How is Dot Product done?
(a,b).(c,d) = (a * c + b * d) = (a AND c XOR b AND d): Can be used to find the angle of a vector
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The amount of data stored and the memory allocated will vary during runtime
Dynamic Data Structure
Card 3
First-in Last-out data structure

Card 4
1. Reversing List contents. 2. Handling interrupts. 3. Nesting and recursion

Card 5
Occurs when more items are pushed onto a astack than can be stored

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