What did Albert Cohen say were the origins and causes of crime and deviance?
Working class youths suffer from status frustration due to blocked opportunities to follow mainstream culture. Therefore they reject mainstream norms and form delinquent subcultures, gaining alternative status from them.
1 of 5
What did Cloward and Ohlin say were the origins and causes of crime and deviance?
1. Criminal subcultures: Have access to adult criminial networks, deviance is for material gain. 2. Conflict subcultures: They live in a area of defence of territory, deviance is gang warfare. 3. Retreatist subculture: Deviance is alcohol and drugs
2 of 5
What did Walter Miller say were the origins and causes of crime and deviance?
Believes working class youths never accept mainstream norms and values and instead have their own focal concerns of toughness, smartness, excitment, fatalism.
3 of 5
Strengths of Sub-Cultural theory
It has generated research into gangs and has gained emprical support
4 of 5
Weakness of Subcultural theory
It too readily accepts official statistics, fails to explain white collar crime and neglects female subcultural delinquency.
5 of 5
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Card 2
What did Cloward and Ohlin say were the origins and causes of crime and deviance?
1. Criminal subcultures: Have access to adult criminial networks, deviance is for material gain. 2. Conflict subcultures: They live in a area of defence of territory, deviance is gang warfare. 3. Retreatist subculture: Deviance is alcohol and drugs
Card 3
What did Walter Miller say were the origins and causes of crime and deviance?
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