functionalism on the role of education Durkheim, Parsons and Davis and Moore 2.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? SociologyEducationA2/A-levelAll boards Created by: helena moutinhoCreated on: 10-11-11 22:22 School acts a microcosm. Who said this? Durkheim 1 of 8 What is homogeneity and who used this concept? cultural sameness- Durkheim 2 of 8 Education teaches specific skills needed for employment. Who said this? Durkheim 3 of 8 Education is the focal socialising agent. Who said this and what does it mean? Parsons- education is the bridge between family and society 4 of 8 The family judges by particularistic standards, whereas society judges by universalistic standards. Who said this? Parsons 5 of 8 education sifts and sorts individuals according to their ability. Who said this? Davis and Moore 6 of 8 Why is social stratification desirable according to Davis and Moore? It creates an incentive for individuals to work hard 7 of 8 Davis and Moore use the concept of role allocation. What does it mean? The most able members of society are allocated to the most functional jobs 8 of 8
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