Functional Groups 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryFunctional GroupsASAQA Created by: laurencredlandCreated on: 07-03-17 17:08 Double bond between 2 Cs alkene 1 of 10 only single bonds between Cs alkane 2 of 10 single bonds and a halogen haloalkane 3 of 10 -OH attached to a C alcohol 4 of 10 double bonded O and a single bonded H to a C aldehyde 5 of 10 double bonded O in the middle of a C chain ketone 6 of 10 double bonded O and single bonded OH to a C carboxylic acid 7 of 10 double bonded O and a single bonded O in the middle of a molecule ester 8 of 10 N triple bonded to C nitrile 9 of 10 NH2 bonded to a C amine 10 of 10
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