From Kaiser to Fuhrer Key Terms 2.0 / 5 based on 4 ratings ? HistoryThe rise of Germany from 1871A2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: LorenaCreated on: 18-04-13 21:21 Sammlungspolitik Bringing together 1 of 18 Weltpolitik World Politics 2 of 18 Flottenpolitik Building of navy 3 of 18 Dreikaiserbund Three Emperors Alliance 4 of 18 Primat der Innenpolitik Primacy of domestic politics 5 of 18 Zollverein Customs Union 6 of 18 Burgfrieden National unity baseed on shared sufferings 7 of 18 Emittlung Attrition and endurance 8 of 18 Schmachfrieden Shameful Peace 9 of 18 Doppelverdiener Double Earners 10 of 18 Agrarpolitischer Appart Formed to draw peasantry into the movement 11 of 18 Gleichschaltung Coordination 12 of 18 Feldjager SA own police force 13 of 18 Sipo Security Service 14 of 18 Orpo Regular Police 15 of 18 Arbeitdienst Work Schemes 16 of 18 Schonheid der Arbeit Beauty of Labour 17 of 18 Kraft durch Freude Strength through joy 18 of 18
German History, Edexcel, From Kaiser to Fuhrer: Controversy: Unit 7: How popular was the Nazi Regime 1933-39? 0.0 / 5
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