Freud keywords AQA

  • Created by: Rwooll
  • Created on: 02-04-14 12:08
The scientific study of the mind, mental processes, consciousness and behaviour.
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Not meaning a false or mistaken belief but one that is based on fulfilment. An illusion is a belief derived from wish fulfilment.
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Wish fulfilment
The secret hope of our greatest longings satisfied.
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A psychological disorder. In Freudian psychology - an imbalance of the forces of the id, ego and superego.
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Collective neurosis
A neurotic illness that affects all people.
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Unconscious mind
This contains basic drives, such as breathing and forgotten memories. The conscious mind contains our present thoughts and accessible memories.
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The technical term for the mind. The term is understood to include all the conscious and conscious components of the mind.
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The pshche's drive to achieve satisfaction. It includes the sex drive.
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In Freudian psychology this means un wanted or taboo thoughts, desires, fears and anxieties that get banished into the unconscious.
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The belief that natural phenomena, such as animals, rocks, trees, thunder or celestial bodies have life or divinity.
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Simultaneously experiencing opposing or conflicting emotions, attitudes, ideas or wishes towards a person or situation.
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Animism creates idols to replace the father figure. Pray and sacrifice to them.
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The process by which the sexual instinct is redirected into other activities, eg culture and art.
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Oedipus Complex
The universal sexual trauma of the desire to possess the mother and ambivalence towards the father.
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Primal Horde
In primitive society, the social unit was this. Groups of people arranged around a single dominant male.
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Card 2


Not meaning a false or mistaken belief but one that is based on fulfilment. An illusion is a belief derived from wish fulfilment.



Card 3


The secret hope of our greatest longings satisfied.


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Card 4


A psychological disorder. In Freudian psychology - an imbalance of the forces of the id, ego and superego.


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Card 5


A neurotic illness that affects all people.


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