French - Weather 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? FrenchHome and environmentGCSEEdexcel Created by: Elizabeth DayCreated on: 10-06-13 22:02 il fait chaud it's hot 1 of 21 il fait froid it's cold 2 of 21 il fait beau it's nice 3 of 21 il fait mauvais it's bad weather 4 of 21 il pleut it's raining 5 of 21 il est pluvieux it is rainy 6 of 21 il neige it's snowing 7 of 21 il est ensoleille it is sunny 8 of 21 il y a du soleil it's sunny 9 of 21 il y a du vent it's windy 10 of 21 il y a du brouillard it's foggy 11 of 21 il y a des orages it's stormy 12 of 21 il y a des nuages it's cloudy 13 of 21 il est nuageux it is cloudy 14 of 21 il est couvert/gris it is overcast/grey 15 of 21 il est frais it is chilly 16 of 21 il gele it's freezing 17 of 21 une averse (rain) shower 18 of 21 une eclaircie sunny spell 19 of 21 la pluie rain 20 of 21 la temperature basse/elevee low/high temperature 21 of 21