French Vocab 1.5 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchGrammar and vocabularyGCSEAQA Created by: Elle1Created on: 07-09-13 00:00 le beau-pere stepfather (also means father-in-law) 1 of 17 la belle-mere stepmother (also means mother-in-law) 2 of 17 casse-pieds infuriating/pain 3 of 17 comprehensif(-ve) understanding/ tolerant 4 of 17 le concumbinage living together (without being married) 5 of 17 le demi-frere half brother 6 of 17 deprime(e) depressed 7 of 17 se disputer to argue 8 of 17 s'entendre (avec quelqu'un) (entendu) to get on (with someone) 9 of 17 l'epouse (f) wife 10 of 17 l'epoux(m) husband 11 of 17 la femme woman 12 of 17 fier/ fiere proud 13 of 17 jaloux(-se) jealous 14 of 17 le mari husband 15 of 17 le mariage marriage/ wedding 16 of 17 mechante(e) nasty/naughty 17 of 17
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