French page 138 OCR Gcse French page 138 vocab test. 3.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? FrenchGrammar and vocabularyGCSEOCR Created by: Emily CroweCreated on: 09-12-12 14:25 aluminium can la canette 1 of 79 La Chasse aux baleines Whale Hunting 2 of 79 crisis la crise 3 of 79 les dechets rubbish 4 of 79 lumiere light 5 of 79 la poubelle dustbin 6 of 79 global warming le rechauffement climatique 7 of 79 overfishing la surpeche 8 of 79 to act agir 9 of 79 chauffer to heat 10 of 79 disparaitre to dissapear 11 of 79 eteindre TO PUT OUT 12 of 79 gaspiller to waste 13 of 79 to protect proteger 14 of 79 to cause provoquer 15 of 79 recycler to recycle 16 of 79 respecter to respect 17 of 79 sauvegarder to save 18 of 79 trier to sort (out) 19 of 79 renouvelable renewable 20 of 79 packaging les emballages 21 of 79 LE JARDINAGE gardening 22 of 79 les petits gestes small actions 23 of 79 to turn the heating down baisser le chauffage 24 of 79 to make an effort faire un effort 25 of 79 fermer le robinet to turn off the tap 26 of 79 to put on a jumper mettre un pull 27 of 79 to produce Produire 28 of 79 sauver to save 29 of 79 utiliser to use 30 of 79 organic bio 31 of 79 fair-trade equitable 32 of 79 recylced recycle 33 of 79 vegetarian vegetarien 34 of 79 instead of au lieu de 35 of 79 les bagages luggage 36 of 79 la decouverte discovery 37 of 79 L'ecotourisme ecotourism 38 of 79 le gite holiday home 39 of 79 freedom la liberte 40 of 79 la randonnee walk 41 of 79 feeling of freedom LE SENTIMENT DE LIBERTE 42 of 79 le voyage d'etude study trip 43 of 79 apprecier to appreciate 44 of 79 to destroy detruire 45 of 79 lger to stay 46 of 79 provoquer to cause 47 of 79 responsable responsible 48 of 79 sensible sensitive 49 of 79 l'eau fraiche fresh water 50 of 79 slave l'esclave 51 of 79 les fournitures scolaires school equipment 52 of 79 offical language la langue officielle 53 of 79 la sante health 54 of 79 confier to entrust 55 of 79 to lack manquer 56 of 79 mendier to beg 57 of 79 to retake redoubler 58 of 79 to know savoir 59 of 79 former ancien 60 of 79 blind aveugle 61 of 79 chretien CHRISTIAN 62 of 79 muslim musulman(e) 63 of 79 poor pauvre 64 of 79 la communaute community 65 of 79 l'eau potabal drinking water 66 of 79 l'espoir hope 67 of 79 l'initiative initative 68 of 79 les produits locaux local products 69 of 79 well le puits 70 of 79 to convince concaincre 71 of 79 creer une entreprise to set up a buissness 72 of 79 to encourage encourager 73 of 79 financer to finance 74 of 79 installer to install 75 of 79 travailler ensemble to work together 76 of 79 french-speaking francophone 77 of 79 meileur better 78 of 79 acsess to acces a 79 of 79
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