french health revision of health topic for french 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchLifestyleGCSEAQA Created by: Rebekah BakerCreated on: 30-04-13 20:07 friut and vegtables : la friut-fruit legumes-vegtables abricot-apricot banane-banana carotte-carrot cerise-cherry champignon-mushroom chou-cabbage chou-fleur-caluiflower citron-lemon name as many fruit and vegtables you can in french 1 of 5 drinks: alcool-alcohol biere-beer boire-drink cidre-cider coca-coke name as many drinks you can in french 2 of 5 meat: bifteck-steak boeuf-beef poulet-chicken la vinde-meat name as many meats you can in french 3 of 5 unhealthy: biscuit-biscuit bonbon-sweet chips-crisps chocolat-chocolate chocolat-chaud-hot chocolate creme-cream crepe-pancake name as many unhealthy things you can in french 4 of 5 other health words: aider-to help alimentation-food/diet aller bien-to be well aller meiux-to feel better arreter-to stop baguette-baguette/french stick beurre-butter bol-bowl cafe-coffee cereales-cereals chose-thing coeur-heart confiture-jam name as many health words as you can 5 of 5
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