French - Vocabulary 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchGrammar and vocabularyGCSEAQA Created by: DAinsworth200Created on: 18-08-14 10:57 What is the French for water? l'eau 1 of 13 What is the French for chicken? poulet 2 of 13 What is the French for tea? the 3 of 13 What food is English for les bonbons?` sweets 4 of 13 What food is English for l'ananas? pineapple 5 of 13 What food is English for des haricots verts? green beans 6 of 13 What food is French for potato? pomme de terre 7 of 13 What is apple in French? pomme 8 of 13 What is 'day' in French? journee 9 of 13 What is French for seventy-eight? soixante dix huit 10 of 13 What is fencing translated into French? escrime 11 of 13 What is French for a male friend? copain 12 of 13 What is French for a female friend? copine 13 of 13
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