French 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? FrenchGCSEAQA Created by: JessCreated on: 12-03-13 22:31 le lieu place 1 of 35 lutter fight 2 of 35 l'egalite des chances equality 3 of 35 toujours still 4 of 35 le menage cleaning 5 of 35 un regime diet 6 of 35 la plupart most 7 of 35 ou mieux or better 8 of 35 lutter contre la discrimination to fight discrimination 9 of 35 la mosquee mosque 10 of 35 un immeuble a block of flats 11 of 35 chercher to look for 12 of 35 une usine a factory 13 of 35 devenir to avoid 14 of 35 un refugie a refuge 15 of 35 le foulard headscarf 16 of 35 un juif jews 17 of 35 les maghrebians the north african countries 18 of 35 la pauvrete poverty 19 of 35 benevole volenteering 20 of 35 caritative charity 21 of 35 un chomage unemployed 22 of 35 les sans abri without water 23 of 35 s'occupe to take care of 24 of 35 faim hungry 25 of 35 quartiers areas 26 of 35 ado teenager 27 of 35 comportements behavior 28 of 35 sujettes emotional 29 of 35 moche ugly 30 of 35 fringes clothes 31 of 35 reussir suceed 32 of 35 je m'en fiche i dont care 33 of 35 tant pis so what 34 of 35 je croque la vie i grab life 35 of 35
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