French Vocab 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? FrenchVocal Test 11/03/2017GCSEAQA Created by: georgiatownsendCreated on: 12-03-17 17:43 la controle test 1 of 28 les devoirs homework 2 of 28 empecher to prevent 3 of 28 l'ennui worry, boredom 4 of 28 s'ennuyer to get bored, be bored 5 of 28 frapper to hit 6 of 28 l'incivilite rude behaviour 7 of 28 mentir to lie 8 of 28 se moquer de to make fun of 9 of 28 permettre to allow 10 of 28 punir to punish 11 of 28 la recreation break (in a school day) 12 of 28 le souci worry, problem 13 of 28 la troisième french equivalent of year 10 14 of 28 la victim victim 15 of 28 Ameliorer to improve 16 of 28 l'appereil camera, machine 17 of 28 assister a to be present at, take part in 18 of 28 chinois chinese 19 of 28 demode out of date 20 of 28 obligatoire compulsory 21 of 28 l'ordinateur portable laptop 22 of 28 la peinture painting 23 of 28 la redoublement repeating a school year 24 of 28 renouveler to renew, update 25 of 28 le tiers-monde the developing world 26 of 28 l'avenir the future 27 of 28 le boulot work (informal) 28 of 28
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