French Test 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? FrenchStuffGCSEAll boards Created by: wonderwomanCreated on: 05-01-16 19:52 bathroom in french? la salle de bains 1 of 10 kitchen? la cuisine 2 of 10 ground floor? aurez-de -chaussee 3 of 10 we sleeep on the... nouse dourms au... 4 of 10 on the first floor au premier etage 5 of 10 i share my bedroom with je partagema chambre 6 of 10 he/she is unemployed il/elle au chomage 7 of 10 block of flats un immeuble 8 of 10 we live in a house nous habiton la maison 9 of 10 we have lived here for one year nous y habitons depuis une ans 10 of 10
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