French Technology in everyday life 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchTechnology in everyday lifeGCSEAQA Created by: 16KDAVIESCreated on: 17-11-20 18:41 acheter to buy 1 of 35 l'avantage advantage 2 of 35 chercher to look for 3 of 35 le clavier keyboard 4 of 35 cliquer to click 5 of 35 dangereux dangerous 6 of 35 le désavantage disadvantage 7 of 35 l'écran (m) screen 8 of 35 envoyer to send 9 of 35 faire des achats to shop 10 of 35 le forum chat room 11 of 35 l'imprimante (f) printer 12 of 35 l'inconvénient disadvantage, drawback 13 of 35 le jeu game 14 of 35 le lecteur DVD DVD player 15 of 35 le lecteur MP3 MP3 player 16 of 35 en ligne online 17 of 35 mettre to put 18 of 35 mettre en ligne to upload 19 of 35 le mot de passe password 20 of 35 l'ordinateur (m) computer 21 of 35 l'ordinateur portable (m) laptop 22 of 35 l'ordinateur tablette (m) tablet 23 of 35 passer du temps to spend time 24 of 35 le portable mobile (phone) 25 of 35 recevoir to receive 26 of 35 le réseau social social network 27 of 35 rester en contact to stay in contact 28 of 35 le site internet/web website 29 of 35 la souris mouse 30 of 35 surfer sur Internet to surf the internet 31 of 35 taper to type 32 of 35 télécharger to download 33 of 35 le texto text 34 of 35 la touche key 35 of 35
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