when were the 21 Girondins convicted and guillotined?
31st October 1793
2 of 16
by when did the Jacobin Government succeed in the dictatorship of the CPS?
end of 1793
3 of 16
who did the CPS have control over at the end of 1793?
4 of 16
when did the deputies of the CPS pass a decree that suspended the constitution with its one man one vote?
October 1793
5 of 16
When was the Law of Frimaire passed?
4th December 1793
6 of 16
the Jacobin government was a/an.....
7 of 16
In 1794, the CPS faced which challenges?
both answers
8 of 16
when did the Hébertists get released and accuse both the Indulgents and the CPS of betraying the revolution and called for a popular rising?
Febuary 1794
9 of 16
when were the Indulgents removed, convicted and guillotined the next day?
5th April 1794
10 of 16
during the Great Terror, when did the revolutionaries saw conspiracy everyhwere?
10th June - 27th July 1794
11 of 16
the Law of General Police banned who from doing what?
former nobles and foreigners from living in ports and frontier towns
12 of 16
the Paris Revolutionary Tribunal was given jurisdiction over all counter revolutionaries offences bt the Law of....
19 Floréal
13 of 16
the Law of Priarial, drafted by Robespierre and Couthon, made guilty verdicts more likely as it abolished both defence counsels and public cross-examination of defendants. When was this Law passed?
10th June 1794
14 of 16
When did the Terror come to an abrupt end in the bloodbath of Thermidor?
July 1794
15 of 16
When did Robespierre, in a long speech, had said their was a "conspiracy against public liberty" that involved deputies, the CGS and even members of the CPS?
the day before his arrest
16 of 16
Other cards in this set
Card 2
when were the 21 Girondins convicted and guillotined?
31st October 1793
Card 3
by when did the Jacobin Government succeed in the dictatorship of the CPS?
Card 4
who did the CPS have control over at the end of 1793?
Card 5
when did the deputies of the CPS pass a decree that suspended the constitution with its one man one vote?
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