French Revolution Key Dates 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryFrance 1589-1800A2/A-levelOCR Created by: ReyaMCreated on: 18-06-18 12:45 When was the 7 Years War 1756-1763 1 of 26 When did France enter the American War of Independence? 1778 2 of 26 When did the economic crises occur? 1781-1787 3 of 26 When were the Paris Parlements exiled by Louis? August 1787 4 of 26 When was bankruptcy declared? August 1788 5 of 26 When did the Estates-General meet? 5th May 1789 6 of 26 When was the Tennis Court Oath? 20th June 1789 7 of 26 When was the Bastille stormed? 14th July 1789 8 of 26 When were the August Decrees? 4-6th August 1789 9 of 26 When were CHurch lands nationalised? 2nd November 1789 10 of 26 When was the Civil Constitution of the Clergy? 12th July 1790 11 of 26 When was the Flight to Varennes? 20th June 1791 12 of 26 When was the Champs de Mars massacre? 17th July 1791 13 of 26 When was war declared? 20th April 1792 14 of 26 When was 'La Patrie en Danger'? 11th July 1792 15 of 26 When were the September Massacres? 2nd September 1793 16 of 26 When was the Battle of Valmy? 20th September 1793 17 of 26 When was the Law of Suspects passed? September 1793 18 of 26 When was Louis executed? January 1793 19 of 26 When was Danton killed? April 1794 20 of 26 When was Robespierre killed? July 1794 21 of 26 When was the Constitution of Year III? September 1794 22 of 26 When was the Vendemaire uprising? 5th October 1795 23 of 26 When was the formal separation of Church and State? February 1795 24 of 26 When was the Directory established? November 1795 25 of 26 When did Bonaparte overthrow the Directory? 9-10th November 1799 26 of 26
How far did the political system successfully overcome the key divisions facing Germany in 1871? 0.0 / 5
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