French - Le mariage 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchGrammar and vocabularyGCSEAQA Created by: DavinaFCreated on: 08-09-17 18:00 To get divorced Divorcer 1 of 14 To get married Se marier 2 of 14 To cost (money) Coûter 3 of 14 Expensive Cher 4 of 14 Girlfriend Une petite copine 5 of 14 A ring Une bague 6 of 14 To look after s'occuper 7 of 14 A day Une journée 8 of 14 To earn (money) Gagner 9 of 14 I want to have children On veut avoir des enfants 10 of 14 We will live together Nous voulons vivre ensemble 11 of 14 Children cost to much Les enfants coûtent chers 12 of 14 I want to fall in love Je veux tomber amoureux / amoureuse 13 of 14 A big wedding Un grand mariage 14 of 14
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