French- Countries+Habiter Verb 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchFrenchYears 7-9 (KS3)None Created by: ..123456789..Created on: 24-10-23 11:25 France France 1 of 25 Portugal Portugal 2 of 25 Italy Italie 3 of 25 Luxembourg Luxembourg 4 of 25 Spain Espagne 5 of 25 Scotland Écosse 6 of 25 Ireland Irlande 7 of 25 England Angleterre 8 of 25 Switzerland Suisse 9 of 25 Germany Allemange 10 of 25 Wales Pays de Galles 11 of 25 Belgium Belgique 12 of 25 Austria Autriche 13 of 25 What do you use before a FEMININE country? EN 14 of 25 What do you use before a MASCULINE country? AU 15 of 25 What do you use before a PLURAL? AUX 16 of 25 I live J'habite 17 of 25 You live (s) Tu habites 18 of 25 He lives Il habite 19 of 25 She lives Elle habite 20 of 25 We live (if) On habite 21 of 25 We live (f) Nous habitons 22 of 25 You live (p) Vous habitez 23 of 25 They Live (m) Ils habitent 24 of 25 They live (f) Elles habitent 25 of 25
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