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- Created by: rorevs
- Created on: 20-10-21 18:02
1. Je me dispute souvent avec ma grand-mere
- I often argue with my grandpa
- I get on well with my grandma
- I often argue with my grandma
- I go out with my grandma
1 of 19
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2. Je n'ai pas
- I don't have
- I do have
- I am not
- I will not
3. In my family there is..
- Dans ma famille il y a
- Dans ma famille j'ai deux freres
- Dans ma famille
- En ma famille
4. Je m'entends bien avec
- I get on well with
- I will not get on with
- I play with
- I do not get on with
5. Mon oncle et ma tante
- My parents
- My sister and my brother
- My uncle and my aunt
- My mum and dad
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