French 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchGrammar and vocabularyGCSEAQA Created by: ellie.harrisonCreated on: 18-04-16 13:00 what do the verbs 'ETRE', AVOIR', 'FAIRE' and 'ALLER' mean? Etre- to be. Avoir- to have. Faire- to do. Aller- to go. 1 of 42 how can you identify the future tense? the ending, has the entire infinitive and the ending (ais) 2 of 42 Belle? Mauvais? Trouve? Parle? belle- beautiful. Mauvais- bad. trouve- to find. parle- to speak. 3 of 42 say the names of the month in french. janvier, fevrier, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, aout, septembre, octobre, novembre, decembre. 4 of 42 ne jamais? ne pas? ne personne? ne plus? ne que? ne rien? ni ni? pas encore? all negatives. ne jamais-never/ ne pas- not/ ne personne- no one/ ne plus- no longer/ ne que-only/ ne rien- nothing/ ni ni- neither...nor/ pas encore- not yet. 5 of 42 a mon avis in my opinion 6 of 42 aimer to like 7 of 42 croire to believe 8 of 42 desirer to want 9 of 42 detester to hate 10 of 42 drole funny 11 of 42 sembler in general 12 of 42 esperer to hope 13 of 42 facile easy 14 of 42 faible weak 15 of 42 genial great 16 of 42 incroyable unbelievable 17 of 42 moche rotten 18 of 42 nul hopeless 19 of 42 penser to think 20 of 42 promettre to promise 21 of 42 rigolo to be funny 22 of 42 sage wise 23 of 42 sembler to seem 24 of 42 vouloir to want 25 of 42 name the days of the week lundi, mardi, mecredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimache 26 of 42 averse shower (weather) 27 of 42 briller to shine 28 of 42 brouillard fog 29 of 42 chaleur heat 30 of 42 chaud hot 31 of 42 ensoleille sunny 32 of 42 ciel sky 33 of 42 froid cold 34 of 42 geler to freeze 35 of 42 meteo forecast weather 36 of 42 neige snow 37 of 42 nuage cloud 38 of 42 orage storm 39 of 42 soleil sun 40 of 42 temps weather 41 of 42 vent wind 42 of 42
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