Formula's 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Business ManagementFinancial AccountingUniversityAll boards Created by: Galdor57Created on: 04-01-17 16:43 R.O.CE Profit before operations/(non current liabilities+ equity) 1 of 12 Return of Shareholder Funds Profit Before Tax/Equity 2 of 12 Operating Profit Margin Profit from operations before interest and tax/Revenue 3 of 12 Sales Revenue Revenue/(Non current liabilities+equity) 4 of 12 Sales Revenue on Non Current Asset Revenue/Non current assets 5 of 12 Current Ratio Current asset/Current Liabilities 6 of 12 Quick Ratio Current assets-Inventory/ Current liabilities 7 of 12 Inventory Days (Inventories/Cost of sales) x 365 8 of 12 Trade receivables days (Receivables/Revenue) x 365 9 of 12 Trade payables days (Payables/Purchases) x365 10 of 12 Gearing Ratio Debt/Debt+Equity 11 of 12 Debt to Equity Ratio Debt/Equity 12 of 12
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