how has the definition of forensic psychology changes
1996) applying psychology knowledge for the purpose of courts. 2007) any topic even remotely connected to crime
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what is the British psychology system (BPS) definition of forensic psychology
deals with the psychological aspects of legal processes, including applying theory to criminal investigations, understanding psychological problems associated with criminal behaviour and the treatment of criminals
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history of forensic psychology 1324
property transfered to the crown, idiots permanently detained, lunatics temporarily ( can be cured)
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history of forensic psychology 1505
trial based on the basis of insanity (incapable of committing crime)
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history of forensic psychology 1324 18th century
issue of competence to stand trial raised, freewill – choice – cost/benefit
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history of forensic psychology 1324 19th century
deluded reasoning became part of test for insanity – expertise required, disease of mind should not be responsible for their crime,
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history of forensic psychology 1324 20th century
research - jury dm; assessment measurements, practice – prisons, police, FBI
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what does delivery of justice include
Legal framework specifies consequences of committing crime, Crime investigation and prevention, Incapacitate of known criminals
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where do psychologists works
prison - Group interaction, long sentence offenders; probation - risk management; hospital - 1&1, (they can work both hospital & prison). research. policing
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what do psychologist study in an offender
commission of crime (why, who, prevention). how to investigate. trial. treatment and managment, risk of repeating offence
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psychologist study investigation - collecting evidence (Pre- trial)
better at facial recognition, better at recalling events at the scene of the crime, can see the patterns in eye witness testimony (EWT)
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psychologist study investigation - analysing evidence (Pre- trial)
body image assessment (BIA); analyse
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psychologist study investigation - reporting evidence (Pre- trial)
assisting intelligent investigation, evidence
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psychologist study investigation - expert witness (trial)
memory- location. reaction time - doing experiments
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psychologist study investigation - jury (trial)
composition (USA psychologist choose jury). decision making
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psychologist study investigation - competence (trial)
fit to plea. parental. suggestibility - person could be highly manipulated, police interview could be biased
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psychologist study investigation - assess (post trial/disposable)
fitness, intervention
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psychologist study investigation - treat (post trial/disposable)
anger, sex ect. individual / group
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psychologist study investigation - risk (post trial/disposable)
parole, Multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA)
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