(B) Foreign relations keywords

Atlantic Alliance
refers to NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation; formed in 1949 to defend the Western alliance in the Cold War, it was made up of 12 countries including Britain; it created a collective defence policy by which if someone attacked all members help
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an extremely powerful nation with influence on other countries
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EEC (European Economic Community)
an economic union, often known as the Common Market, first established by the Treaty of Rome in 1957; its six founder members were France, Germany, Italy and the 'Benelux' countries - Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg; the EEC became the EU in 1992
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Cold War
a term used to describe the tension between the West (the US, Western Europe inc Britain and Canada) and the Communist states (the USSR and its allies) after the Second World War; it lasted until the collapse of communism in 1989-90...
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Cold War continued
and had a great impact on Britain's foreign policy throughout this period
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'special relationship'
term used to describe the close relationship between the UK and the US, based on historical, diplomatic, cultural, economic, and military ties between the two countries; it was strengthened by being key allies during the Cold War, sharing the...
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'special relationship' continued
common objective of resisting the power of the USSR
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EFTA (European Free Trade Association)
created in 1960 by Britain along with Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, and Switzerland as an alternative to the EEC; these were sometimes referred to as the 'outer seven' as opposed to the 'inner six' of the EEC;
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EFTA continued
it created a free trade area, although each EFTA member could negotiate separately with non-EFTA members.
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Card 2


an extremely powerful nation with influence on other countries



Card 3


an economic union, often known as the Common Market, first established by the Treaty of Rome in 1957; its six founder members were France, Germany, Italy and the 'Benelux' countries - Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg; the EEC became the EU in 1992


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Card 4


a term used to describe the tension between the West (the US, Western Europe inc Britain and Canada) and the Communist states (the USSR and its allies) after the Second World War; it lasted until the collapse of communism in 1989-90...


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Card 5


and had a great impact on Britain's foreign policy throughout this period


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