8BR (7K forces) 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? FunFunFunNone Created by: 13hf7970Created on: 13-07-15 09:47 drag air resistance and water resistance are sometimes called drag 1 of 15 upthrust pushes things up 2 of 15 friction It happens when two hinge rub together 3 of 15 air resistance The friction caused when something moves through air is called air resistance 4 of 15 gravity pulls everything towards the centre of earth 5 of 15 contact force You need to touch the object before you can give it force 6 of 15 static electricity static electricity can attract charged things 7 of 15 water resistance The friction caused when something moves through water 8 of 15 Magnetism magnets have magnetism which attracts objects made of iron 9 of 15 shape forces can change the shape of something 10 of 15 direction The direction that the force is moving 11 of 15 speed The speed that the force is moving 12 of 15 non contact forces Some forces can affect an object from a distance 13 of 15 force meter/Newton meter We measure the force with the force meter /Newton meter 14 of 15 newtons N The units for measuring forces are newtons 15 of 15
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