Explain proteins job and what food is protein found in?
Assist with growth and repair, found in animal products like meat, fish, cheese, milk and eggs. Vegetable sources include soya-bean products, pulses and nuts.
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Explain carbohydrates job?
Carbohydrates are needed to give the body energy.
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Two types of carbohydrates?
Sugar and starch.
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Where is starch found?
Starch is found in cereals, cornflour, potatoes, pasta and flour
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Where are sugars found?
Sugar is found in fruit, vegetables, honey, milk and malt products.
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Explain fats job?
Fats help to provide concentrated sources of energy and help to insulate the body in cold weather.
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Two types of fats?
Saturated fats and polyunsaturated fats.
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Where are saturated fats found?
Saturated fats are usually obtained from animal sources, for example butter and lard. The exceptions are coconut and palm oils.
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Where are polyunsaturated fats found?
Polyunsaturated fats come from vegetable sources, such as sunflower oil.
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What is Vitamin B12 needed for?
Red blood cells. Found in meat, milk and fish.
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What is Vitamin C needed for?
Healthy skin, protect cells and help absorb iron. Found in fruit and vegetables.
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What is vitamin A needed for?
Good vision, healthy skin and growth. Found in green and yellow vegetables and dairy products.
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What is vitamin B needed for?
Realese of energy from food and healthy skin. Found in bread, milk and eggs.
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What is vitamin D needed for?
Help absorb calcuim and aids strong teeth and bones. Found in margarine and oily fish.
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Explain the importance of calcuim?
Calcium is needed for the growth of healthy teeth and bones. Sources of calcium include milk, cheese, eggs, wholegrain cereals, green vegetables, bread and tofu.
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Explain the importance of iron?
Iron is needed for the formation of red blood cells. Sources of iron include red meat, green vegetables, eggs, lentils and bread.
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Name other minerals the body needs to function?
Other minerals that the body needs include potassium, sodium, magnesium and zinc.
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When Prpotein is digested it dissolves into smaller components called?
Amino acids.
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How many amino acids does the body need?
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Explain HBV? (High Biological Value)
HBV group tend to contain the Majority of the 10 amino acids the body needs. Typical foods in this group are Meat, Fish, Milk, Eggs and Soya Beans. These food items should play a main part in a diet.
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Explain LBV? (Low Biological Value)
Foods in the LBV group tend to contain only a few of the amino acids needed. The foods in this group are, typically Pulses (bean, lentils) and nuts. LBV group is important as certain diets can only consume these proteins i.e. Vegan.
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