Food Glorious Food anthology quiz cards
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- Created by: Zoooooooooe
- Created on: 07-05-13 20:58
Naughty But Nice- Text 6
Compare- 7, 29. Lexical field:Religion. Sermon tone from structure+rhyme. Belittles religion (small g) 'imps' bad. rhetoric question. references tongue. worshiping chocolate. elevation to Holy level. Meant to be Eve's curse, pregnant or period.
1 of 31
Receipt To Make Soup- Text 7
Compare-6. Lexical field- religion, food. No rigid structure. Some rhyme. Recipe. 'Rapture, grace, preach, doctrine' Starts and ends with couplets. Sorrel, Kings horse, cryptic Pun. Alliteration. Makes the food sacred, special. homage to good deed.
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How We Did It- Text 12
Compare-13. Reliable, first person. opinions. rule of 3. alliteration 's'. pre-modifiers. Larger pictures of restaurant, bad pictures of bad pizza. Bad picture for Olive Press. To inform and persuade. uses 'I'. Uses specialist terms, expert level.
3 of 31
Extract from Little Grey Rabbit- Text 30
Compare- 1 Dynamic verbs- keeps fast pace. Repetition, simple. Rabbit uses maternal language, makes rules. DIDACTIC. 'Wood sorrel leaves' still not human. Sentence variation. Short paragraphs. Stylistic. song. Slapstick humor. humanized animals.
4 of 31
A Modest Proposal- Text 27
Satire. Paralipsis. Personal pronoun, numbers. Sustained irony. Mocks heartlessness. Dehumanizing. Numbers, references. 'understanding'. no sale able commodity- no use.
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The Sweet Menu- Text 3
2 line stanzas, blank verse without rhyme. Food is social, alone but surrounded. Little conversation. symbolize purity, death? Final single line. Dance lexis. Opposing images. loss of partner? superficial. Admires family, only mentions them. chair!
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Grandpas Soup- Text 4
Irregular rhyme, repetition, hardly any punctuation. Simile, child like. Enjambment, free flowing. rhyming like a child. comfort, sadness at end. In real time, memory comes at end.
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The Coming of Yams and Mangoes and Mountain Honey- Text 5 (culture clash)
Unity. Celebration tone. Bringing flavor and color of Jamaica to London. Irregular rhyme. beauty and wealth, simile. Warm colours, bird of paradise. alliteration. free verse. enjambment. assonance, sh like the sea. repitiiton of sun. luxurious.
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The Bar Menu-Text 14
Appeal to middle class. Traditional foods, posh twists. Vintage. Supporting local businesses. Grown local. Homely. Guarded words.
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Restaurant Review from Matthew Norman- Text 13
Clear persona. morbid humor. alliteration. hyperbole. make reader emphasis, personal anecdote. informal. mocking restaurants pretentiousness. repetition of 'to'. Make him seem somebody to look up to "brave little trouper".
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Mexican Scrambled Eggs- Text 16
Large bright picture. Recipe. Personal language. Command words. Va ugly sexual. Phatic talk. Natural thought pattern. Morning, sunrise, fiesta, bright colours. Messy pan=homemade. For couples? 'serves2'. sibilance.
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Family Dinner Transcript- Text 18
Dexis. Argument, expostulation. Blunt. Discourse marker. slang, non fluency. aggressive. Only slight mention of food.
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Old Friends Transcript- Text 19
Transactional talk. Tag question. Deixis. Informal, independent burger bar. Evasive waitress. Lexical field- just food. Modern day, welsh speakers in London restaurant. Shared history, under pressure, know they are being recorded. Non definite gender
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Jonathan Crisp Packet- Text 23
Character to match flavor. Appealing langauge. Calligraphy. 'The Cornell' Red color. Humor, colloquialisms, juxtaposition. War connotations and terminology. Posh looking, follows convention throughout.
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A Good Table- Text 26
Lexical- Homemaking. Formal. Simple sentences. Repetion, traditional English. Appeal to those growing up in the 20's. Colloquial, factual. personal pronouns. Shows 50's attitudes to women, slight mock. Womens roles. Opinions, idioms.
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That Surprising Craig Girl!- Text 25
Catch Phrase. Handwriting used, personal. Makes the character seem desirable and want to be like. Vintage ideas about women. Picture of Pam winning.
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Plumstead Episcopi- Text 29
Hides from the light, Corruption in religion. Archaic. Costly, but plain. Waste. Repition, Ham= unholy. Diachronic variation. Bread is holy. Intesifiers, lavishness. Sarcasm, pre modifiers. Heavy and intense imagery. Repeats 'and' to emphasis amount.
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Oliver Twist- Text 28
Abstract time. Satire, irony, intesifiers. Archaic language. Grammar fail. Short sentences builds tension. Ominous narrator.
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The Man of Property- Text 31
Irony. speech and food reflects atmosphere. Etiquette. Natural speech patterning. June is contrary. Class nature, formal. Assonance 's' sharp, hard atmosphere. 'underneath the dark' their relationship/actual weather. Spring, new bloom.
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More Pricks Than Kicks- Text 32
Metaphors for weapons, personification. Rule of 3. Bread is murderee. Connotations of violence. Wild animal 'devour'. Varied syntax, repetition.
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The Butchers Shop- Text 1
Loss of innocence, tory ministers as pigs. Enjambment, childs narration, juxapostion from childrens nursery stories to dead animals. Political statement. Rhetoric. 70's/80's butchers. 'Youre' is personal. lies we all tell. repetition, metaphor.
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Eating Out- Text 2
Relationship with dad, middle class conventions. Unlimited power (autocrat) Stifled. Young. Cant eat. Religion and violence. Disconnected. Memory, enjambment. no enjoyment. no rhyme.
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Yvonnes Tasty Tips- Text 8
Innuendo, alteration. almost idiom. Vaugly sexual. Puns. Known conventions. 'gently' repetiton- womanly. Recipe set up. More attractive, wholesome and healthy. 'soft' persuade, parody.
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Why We All Need To Eat Red Meat- Text 9
Personal, informal, off the record. pun. Scientific lexis. Cliche (to sound familiar) Repetition. Professionalism photo.Rhetoric. Personal anecdote. Expert persona. Interrogatives, engages with the reader. informal, 'And,'
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Vegetarian Society -Text 11
Alliterations, 7 steps (to heaven) photos, rolled up, personal opinions, celebrity. Persuade. Vegatrians are Holier than thou. Repetition of 'health'. Short imperative sentences. Natural, no shoes. Hands clasped as in prayer. Compare- Text 9
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Hygiene Improvement Notices -Text 15
Legal document, unambiguous. Legal lexis, split into parts. Subsection crazy. Not personal. Just to inform. Dense language. Neutral. Not full sentences. References to other parts of article. No food lexis.
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Nigella Transcript- Text 17
Nigella- Brand. Phatic talk. Appealing words. Monologue. Alliteration 'MM' innuendo caused by (.). Ellipsis. Paralyngustic features. Casual, personal. Trademark (eats food). Fast. Time+food lexis. Directly addresses. Seductive. Inclusive 'we're'.
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The Importance Of Being Earnest- Text 20
Agenda setting, mocking Victorian etiquette. Turn taking manners. Food=weapon. Phatic talk. Natural speech pattern. filler. Tension created. Comments on each-other in disguise. rhetoric. patronizing. Language changes with mood. Formal syntax.
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Titus Andronicus- Text 21
Recipe language. Elizabethan syntax. Water is metaphor for daughter. They are winter, shouldn't mix. Greek mythology, like lavinias story. Blank verse, religious tone. Centaur reference. Figerative. Rhyme builds dramatic tension.
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Contexts of production and reception!
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Salty Dog Crisps- Text 24
Flavor personified. Cartoon scruffy dog, reflects crisps 'character'. Alteration 'B'. Play on words. Pun. 'the' crisps.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Compare-6. Lexical field- religion, food. No rigid structure. Some rhyme. Recipe. 'Rapture, grace, preach, doctrine' Starts and ends with couplets. Sorrel, Kings horse, cryptic Pun. Alliteration. Makes the food sacred, special. homage to good deed.
Receipt To Make Soup- Text 7
Card 3
Compare-13. Reliable, first person. opinions. rule of 3. alliteration 's'. pre-modifiers. Larger pictures of restaurant, bad pictures of bad pizza. Bad picture for Olive Press. To inform and persuade. uses 'I'. Uses specialist terms, expert level.

Card 4
Compare- 1 Dynamic verbs- keeps fast pace. Repetition, simple. Rabbit uses maternal language, makes rules. DIDACTIC. 'Wood sorrel leaves' still not human. Sentence variation. Short paragraphs. Stylistic. song. Slapstick humor. humanized animals.

Card 5
Satire. Paralipsis. Personal pronoun, numbers. Sustained irony. Mocks heartlessness. Dehumanizing. Numbers, references. 'understanding'. no sale able commodity- no use.

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