Food and Nutrition, Unit Two The key terms for food and nutrition, unit two. 0.0 / 5 ? Home Economics: Food & NutritionGCSEAQA Created by: Aisling PowerCreated on: 28-04-13 14:16 Oxidation Exposure to air causing loss vitamin C in fruits and vegetables. 1 of 18 Rancidity Unpleasant flavours which develop in fats when they are exposed to oxygen. 2 of 18 Enzyme Action Molecules in foods which cause ripening or change in the structure. 3 of 18 Denaturation Change in chemical structure of proteins during heating. 4 of 18 Coagulation Setting of proteins during heating. 5 of 18 Gelatinisation Thickening of starch when MOIST heat is applied. 6 of 18 Dextrinisation Browning of starches when DRY heat is applied. 7 of 18 Carmelisation Browning of sugar when DRY heat is applied.' 8 of 18 'Smoking Point' When fats give off a blue smoke at temperatures between 130C to 200C (higher for liquid fats). 9 of 18 Sensory Analysis The process carried out to analyse a food product using our senses of sight, smell, taste and hearing. 10 of 18 Extractives Savoury flavours that develop in meat as it cooks. 11 of 18 Blind Tasting Consumer tests new food products, where they don't know which foods they are tasting. 12 of 18 Food Additive Natural or chemical substance added to food to improve quality. 13 of 18 Permitted additives Tested by the Food Standards Agency before being approved for use by food manufacturers. 14 of 18 E numbers Additives approved by the European Union. 15 of 18 Fortified Where nutrients are added to improve the nutrtional value of a product. 16 of 18 Novel Foods Foods which are manufactured from ingredients not normally used for food. 17 of 18 Appetising Looks and smells good to eat. 18 of 18
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